Uncle Lovecraft’s Fun Time Murder Hole!

Gameplay Programmer

Unreal Engine 4

4 Designers
3 Programmers
4 Visual Artists

8 Weeks


  • Developing gameplay systems
    • Core game loop, game mechanics, abilities & ragdoll physics
    • Iterate on feedback
    • Implement systems that allow designers to adjust metrics for gameplay systems
    • Scriptable onboarding system
    • Game-pad support
  • Supporting the art, design and programming team
  • Adding localization support to all UI elements using the UE4 build in tool
    • Localized game for Dutch and Japanese audiences
  • Solving performance issues
  • Prototyping
  • Problem Solving!

We used Perforce as our source control tool and Trello as our project management tool.

Scriptable onboarding

Our design team requested a scriptable onboarding experience. Onboarding should allow for displaying prompts through widgets, moving the camera to objects of interest, and triggering certain events.

The final in-game result of the onboarding level
Exposed properties designers can utilize


Pitching ability system

Our game was in need of an ability system. I had some ideas and went to work by creating a flow chart that visually describes how I plan to implement the ability system. These systems need to be modular in the way we are able to add additional abilities when required.

Afterward, I presented my plan and ideas to the design team.

Flow chart, made in Draw.io
Dev Artifacts

Listed here are some of the, at the time, in development features I had worked on. (Videos have been muted in advance)

Testing ragdoll gameplay behavior
Testing game-pad support, arrow represents right stick aim
What better way to test the fire spreading behavior than by setting the world on fire
Top-down view of the fiery hell
Messing around with triggers and camera angles
Finally, our priced asset
An animated tentacle, by one of our artists